Inside the floatation tank 500 kg of specially formulated salts im- ported directly from Germany and added to 1000 liters of water, creating a 30 cm deep solution, which is heated to 35.5 degrees C (skin temperature).
The temperature of the water means that once you are settled in the tank, it is virtually impossible to distinguish between parts of the body that are in contact with the water, and those that aren’t.
The buoyancy created by the dense Epsom-salt solution effectively removes the effects of gravity on the body, and brings the individual close to an experience of total weightlessness. Unless you are an astronaut, this is the only situation you will encounter where your body is free from the harmful forces of gravity.
With ear plugs in and, if you wish, the tank’s interior lights off, the quietness and the darkness allow the mind to drift into the deep- est state of relaxation possible.
A huge amount of brain power is used every second in order to deal with the strain that gravity places on one’s body but now floating weightlessly your body is perfectly supported by a cush- ion of silky skin-temperature liquid.